Bug reports and feature requests
Open a bug report or a feature request via GitHub Issues.
Development uses poetry
. Simply clone the repository and install:
$ git clone
$ cd tact
$ poetry install
Pull requests
If you spot a bug, opening a pull request to fix it would be appreciated!
On the web version of this documentation, click the edit button (looks like a pencil) to open the text editor to propose changes.
Tests use pytest. Mostly these are integration tests but there are some unit tests as well.
$ poetry run pytest # optionally with --script-launch-mode=subprocess
To release a new version, increment the version using Poetry, then tag the new commit and push to GitHub:
$ poetry version patch # or minor, etc.
$ git commit -p
$ git tag VERSION # (v0.4.0)
$ git push --atomic origin BRANCH_NAME TAG # (master, v0.4.0)
A GitHub Actions workflow will build and publish the new version on PyPI, and build container images for Docker Hub and GitHub Packages.